The Ballroom
2,500 square feet, features a ceiling purchased from the Palazzo
Grimani in Venice. It includes a 16th-century painting, Venetian
family coats of arms, a dozen oil paintings, and three large wood
ceilings with crests.
Ballroom orkestra and view of the stair hall
Images Courtesy "Ralston
Independent Works"
View from the top and an antique bench
Images Courtesy "Ralston
Independent Works"
Swimpool & grounds
Swimming pool and Statue of Neptune
Gazebo exterior & interior
Terrace and commemorative plaque
Images Courtesy "Ralston
Independent Works"
Aerial view
Kelly and Christina Porter saw themselves as not just owners
but stewards of the property. "The house was here a long
time before we were, and it's going to be here a long time after."
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