1542 Cabrillo discovers California

1769 Don Gaspar de Portolá passes through area after overshooting Monterey Bay

1839 Rancho San Antonio granted to Don Juan Prado

1847 Juana Briones de Miranda purchases Rancho Purissima Concepcion

1850 Adobe house built on Old Trace Road in Los Altos Hills

1861 John Snyder purchases 650 acre ranch, begins grain farming

1901 Purissima School built, now Chapel in the Hills

1906 Southern Pacific Railroad purchases townsite Banks and Braes, changes name to Los Altos

1907 Altos Land Company lays out townsite

1908 Chandler School for Girls opens in former Merriman House on Edgewood Lane

1908 First Southern Pacific station opens

1908 First elementary school classes meet in Shoup Hall

1908 Eschenbrucher Hardware opens, first commercial retail business

1908 Post office opens in Esenbruecher Hardware on Main Street

1908 First issue of Los Altos Star newspaper published

1908 Telephone service begins

1913 Los Altos Grammar School built at San Antonio and Hillview avenues

1913 Union Church congregation forms

1914 Lantarnam Hall construction begins

1914 First library opens at First and Main

1919 First National Bank opens at First and Main

1922 First fire fighting unit organized

1924 Duvenecks purchase Hidden Villa

1926 St. Joseph's College Seminary opens

1931 First Volunteer Fire Department is organized

1937 Hidden Villa Youth Hostel opens

Los Altos Fire District is formed

1947 First issue of Town Crier

1949 Movie theater opens on Main Street

1956 Town of Los Altos Hills is incorporated

1957 Library Commission established

1961 Foothill College moves to new campus

1971 Ohlone village site unearthed near El Monte and Summerhill Avenues








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